You are Not Alone

10:52 AM

Posting some songs that I hope could be a blessing to someone who needs reassurance the most.

There was a time that I felt so down and this song helped me get through.


I know this post is not a review of anything product-related. But I hope, by posting this, may it bring peace to burdened hearts.

There may be people who might ask why I believe in God. I couldn't think of an answer before, but when I get to think of not knowing God or not believing in Him - I got scared. I couldn't imagine living life not believing in anything. There are so many things in this world that we don't have control over, the only thing I could do is put my faith in Him. This may make me look and sound weak - needing something/someone to believe in (in my case, God). But when you think about it. Most people who are strong have someone beside them. We become strong because of that person and we become strong for that person. I acknowledge my weakness because then I can strive to be a stronger person.

I'm not pushing you to believe in Him right now. That's not my place. It's your life, your decision. I know some Christians would push their beliefs in others - but from what I see - it just pushes them farther away. What I can tell you is that you are not alone, that God is there - just call on Him. Try to experience life with Him, then you'll know.

I might change my answer in the future, but for now, I 'm sicking to this. I'm still taking baby-steps even though I've been in God's family for a very long time now. What I do know is that He'll never let me go - He's got a good tight grip on me - as what we do to people we love. We hold on to them. We won't let go no matter how much they resist. We may get hurt in the process but that's because we care.

Do share these songs to someone you know who might need it. It may be interpreted differently. But if it touches their lives, that's good enough =]

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