REVIEW: 3M Nexcare AcneSpot Patch/Sticker

12:40 AM

Been so long since my last update and this has been long overdue. As you might know from previous posts, I have acne-prone skin. I can say that I've experience most of the acne problem there is; as most have experienced them as well. But one that I'll be sharing with you is for inflamed, "pus-in-your-face" acne.

Most cases, when an inflamed acne with pus shows up on our skin. Our first mode of action or cry of battle is, "PRICK IT! PINCH IT! KILL IT IF YOU MUST!", but of course - we all know (well acne-prone people) know that pricking our pimple will just do more harm than good. I used to rub on it a bit heavily than normal when I wash my face, just so it would pop and get the pus out. The only problem with that is, not only would you have trouble with the pus, you'll have the blood to worry about. And just like any other ordinary wounds, it tends to turn red and angry when you do this.

That's why when I read about 3M Nexcare Acne Patch, I just had to try it. It was hard looking for it here in our place. I was only able to buy 1 package at a Taiwanese store and it cost too much than I wanted. The available one was the 18pcs. stickers, 6 big ones and 12 small ones. There are different designs and packages for this product so do check when buying.

My second purchase was online and  has 12 big rounds and 24 small rounds and was a bit more affordable than my first purchase. It was a value pack so I feel like I saved more than my previous buy.

Here is a picture of it.

- Removes pus without making your skin breakout enough to bleed. 
- Easy to use

- Quite expensive
- Hard to find

Things to know:
1. When using this, you first need to wash your face clean and make sure to dry before sticking. This will ensure that the sticker will not fall off easily.
2. It's better to use it overnight as it would obviously look funny on your face when you go out with small round stickers sticking to your face. But if you'll just be staying home, then it won't be a problem. =]
3. This would only work on acne with visible pus (warning ^^; - image shown below) I haven't seen a case where it was used on cystic acne.
I know. Eeky > <

4. I usually put acne gel after using this to help heal the place where it was used. 
5. Please be patient as acne needs time to heal. The good thing with using this product, it wouldn't leave a deep acne scar(which we all hate and would love see gone forever xD) compared to when pricking and resulting to bloody mess. 
6. It's not really advisable to buy this when you get to need a lot of stickers since it's quite expensive and hard to find. But if these two are not your problem. Stick away~ xD

Please know that on some cases, especially when used on bigger pimples, one sticker is not enough. You have to apply another one in case the pimple grows back. You can always put on your acne topical medication after the sticker is removed to try to avoid this.

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  1. How much is this?

    1. Hi, the 18 pcs. stickers cost me Php200+ The price probably depends on where you can buy it.

  2. have you tried Bio Derm ointment.? its cheap 28php for a small tube... effective dn.....

    1. Super late reply! Sorry!

      I haven't tried the Bio Derm ointment, meron siya sa mga drugstore or watson's?

      Thanks for sharing =]

  3. Hello, which store did you find this in?

    1. Hi! I bought this online on ebay. Kung sa Philippines, parang meron ako nakita before sa mercury ^^;



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