EVENT: Manila International Book Fair

11:59 PM

Last Sept. 16 - 20, 2015 (This post is too delayed, I know. >< ) was another Manila Book Fair at SMX. This is the time of the year where book nerds gather to feed their book addiction. With 25%+ off in almost all books, what more could you ask for?!

There were the usual big book stores like National Book Store and Fully Booked, textbooks publishers such as Adarna and Christian Bookstore - OMF and magazine publishers. Kids books were everywhere and recipe books here and there.

Although I was tempted to buy a lot of fiction books and art books - I tried to restrain myself. Gotta save, girl! Haha I did purchase a watch book for my dad and a few inspirational and recipe book for myself. I tend to buy these types of books (excluding the recipe books - just bought them because they were cheap =P) during book fairs because I would most probably read them more than once. As much as I love fiction books, I won't re-read them if I still remember the story..which in my case, takes a while. And non-fiction books are harder for me to read if they are in e-book formats.

Here are the books I bought from MBF.

I love books. Fiction, self-help, inspirational, art - I love reading them. But I don't have that much time to read fiction books now than I had before. I can only squeeze in an hour or two, 2-3 times a week for reading books. That said, here are the books that I'm currently reading and just finished.

I finished reading Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project last month. She had quite a lot of tips/guidelines in starting your own Happiness Project. You can also start small first and gradually add things to your list. She calls them resolutions as  opposed to goals...and as New Year's just around the corner...if you find yourself thinking of wanting to be happier than you are at the moment, you can start planning your Happiness Project now. You'll find that some of them are easier to do and some, harder. Be aware too that most changes will be changes that focuses on you. You don't change other's character, try to influence them by changing how you handle things, how you see things, how you act and speak. Change what needs changing, but don't forget to be you.

I'm currently reading, "The Life-changing of Tidying Up" and "All the Places to Go". I'm also thinking of posting at Nanorimo.

Nanorimo or National Novel Writing Month, happens every November of each year. People from around the world can sign up and write a novel for a month! The goal is to write a 50,000-word novel by 11:59 PM on November 30.

If you're interested to write your own novel, Nanorimo would be a good challenge to try! Do share us your story if you have already started or if you're thinking of starting! Write! Make magic~ xD

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