State of Mind - Typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan Nov. 8

3:08 AM

This will not be the usual post of reviews on products I've tried but of what is happening in Philippines right now.

image from Yahoo

I'm sure, at one point, almost everyone in the world had already heard of the destruction that typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan left Tacloban in. It's everywhere in the news. Along with the photos and videos of fallen trees, destroyed houses, dead people along the roads, and the never ending plea of the survivors for help.

Amidst all those sad images and footages, what sticks with me are the questions, "What is the Philippine government doing? Where are they? What have they done since these past few days? Where are the help? Why is there no one coming? What of the dead? What of the hungry?" It's painful to hear these questions, not because they're false but because these are the truth. These are the questions even us Filipinos not going through what Tacloban is now experiencing is asking. That's why many Filipinos are asking the same questions as the people of other countries that are continuously helping us.

We have heard of all the help the other countries has been giving us. Donation of funds, relief goods, medical help, and even military forces and resources. We see it even in international news show, but where are "our" forces? "Our" government? "Ours" looks and sounds pathetic and disappointing compared to the other countries. There are many relief operations going on even in Manila, parts of the country and abroad. But why is that that every time we see and hear the news - there's no one receiving it. Continuous plea for help, food, water - news of looting (looting for fun and for selfish reasons? That's a different story.) because what else can they do? Desperation is at its peak. It's shameful, it's disheartening, it's wrong. They're doing it because they have no choice. It's human nature to try to survive at any cost necessary, especially if behind this means giving their family and loved ones a chance to live. We don't have to like it. They don't have to like it. And we shouldn't. These should not be the norm but a fleeting affair.

We don't understand what they are going through right now because we did not experience what they did. We see it in the news and the scenes are always scary to us. What more for the people there? That's why we try our best to "help" as much as possible, no matter small or big. Because in the end, we believe that we can help give food, or even reassurance to at least one person. To give them hope. Albeit help is a bit slow moving.

So, to the countries who have been kind to donate and help our fellow people despite everything else, thank you. And I'm sorry you have to see the "dirty" of the Philippines. Believe me, all though it may seem that there are many corrupt and ignorant people in our country, there are still those who are good-who wishes to help and try their best to. Most of the time I think there's no more hope for our county. It's too tainted. Christian nation? I'm a Christian(Protestant) and even I think we don't deserve this term anymore. But I still pray and hope that someday, we could be a better nation.

"The people's minds were hardened..A veil covers their minds so they cannot understand the truth. And this veil can be removed only by believing in Christ." 2 Cor. 3:14

"They encourage them to continue in faith, reminding them that they must enter into the Kingdom of God through many tribulations." Acts 14:22

"Don't get tired of doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time. Gal. 6:9

If I have offended anyone at one point in this post, please know that that is not what I have intended. (Well, except if you are guilty of doing wrong - be offended, be guilty, learn and do the right thing.) This is only the current state of my mind and I just needed to write this down. I may have the wrong perception but this is based on what I hear and see in the news. I know news can sometimes be deceiving and can alter the views of people, but there are still some truths in there because they focus on the facts. I'm not trying to bash anyone. I'm not saying I know everything much less understand what each and everyone is going through. All I know is that it's sad and it's frustrating. We just need to live past this and do what we can at the moment and try to have a positive mindset as much as possible.

Here is a link to a site with the list of relief operations:

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